A lamp. With a light bulb. Emitting light that is obviously not needed right now so I’ll just switch it off. Somehow, under the country’s current electricity deprived situation it is unfit to fashionably photograph a lamp. This was a lucky first shot.
A & V is a blog that came into being when two people felt they had a lot of stuff going on in their heads that needed to get out in order to stay sane. We don't do the daily diary routine because honestly, who cares? Just good, intellectual writing that can be about anything and basically everything (we try).
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Some pictures + a thousand words
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The blessings on my table
We all love our country more than any other country in the world. It's what makes us who we are. Pakistani. It is the womb that gave birth to us and it is the soil to which we will return. Just like how we somehow feel the pain of a loved one, seeing our motherland bleed causes us great pain. Once again, our country has suffered a horrifying blow and the price was the blood and lives of its sons. You know the event that I refer to. It is the terror attacks that occurred in Lahore.
These days it seems that the mood in Pakistan keeps getting more and more gloomy. Even our national cricket and hockey teams seem very depressed. The poor guys feel so down that they haven't been able to perform at peak levels recently and as a result have suffered many (very humiliating) defeats. It seems we Pakistani's just can't get a lucky break these days.
Everything seems to working against us, in an almost conspiracy like manner.
As a nation, we are all suffering from depression. So whats the most basic strategy to counter this? Well, like I've been told many times by a countless number of people, the trick is to look at the positive side of things. Like they say, Always look on the bright side of life. That is what this weeks post is about, looking at all that is great about this country, aside from the fact that me and Sara Q. were born here. Here we go:
- This one is a no brainer. Freedom. We were born free. Now I know that given the conditions of the country we're not as free as we'd like to think, but thats our fault, we let things get like this.
- We are not a nation of quitters. We are a resilient nation. Obsession with a cause is what gave us the country and this obsession is what allows us to keep it. We've been hanging on by a thread since 1947 and no amount of predator missiles will make us let go.
- Our nation is overflowing with talent and potential. How many times have our kids gotten out of this world results in A-Levels? We won the cricket world cup and countless other tournaments on pure talent without the presence of any formal sports coaching facilities. Same for hockey. The day we tap into our potential will be the the day we take over the world.
- We have an amazing cricket team and hockey team. Sure, they're going through a rough patch right now, but we all know once they get rolling they'll knock down any opponent they're up against.
- Whats the one thing that any Pakistani returning from foreign lands crave? You know this, stop reading for five seconds and try to guess this. Chances are you'll need less than three. The answer is, mangoes. We've got all four seasons and each season brings with its own tasty produce.
- We are a nation blessed with beauty. Beautiful people surrounded by beautiful scenery. Whether its valleys surrounded by mountains blanketed in white and green or rolling plains with rivers carving through or historical locations with a million stories to tell, we've got it all.
- Our armed forces are top notch. They've got the training, they've got the tech and most importantly, they've got a dedication to protect this country that no other soldier in the world possesses.
This is not really the whole list. It's only a small fragment of it. But, I'd love to complete it or at least make it really long so comment like crazy with your reasons that make you say Pakistan Zindabad.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
First impressions; the inside story
For this week's post I’ll be putting down something awfully common in our everyday lives. And like every common we dismiss it rather than delving deeper into origin or logic. So I’ll come straight to the point rather than elongating my preamble as usual. Like the title suggests it’s about impressions. First impressions actually.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I'm getting too old for this sh**
I still remember all those little memories that make the early years worthy of being called a childhood. Back then it was the simplest of things that made me happy. Things like climbing all over the boundary walls of our house, chasing butterflies and running around on all fours like Simba from the Lion King. These things have something in common. I can't do them anymore. Though I did do the Simba thing just yesterday. I'm kidding. Or am I?
I do remember one other thing. I promised myself I would never grow up. Now you have an idea what I'm talking about. How many times have you heard the older and wiser crowd say something like "I'm getting too old for these things" or "It's not my age to do such things". I always thought that I wouldn't end up like them. That I would always be with "it". However, these days I'm finding that it's really getting hard to fight and not become obsolete. I find myself using the line "I'm getting too old for this sh**" a little too much lately. I really don't want to be a dinosaur. Oh well.
The pop culture these days is beginning to make less sense to me as the days go by. First of all, what the hell is it with all the emo crap thats going around these days? When did androgyny become a style? Seriously, insanely tight jeans (guys, you do know you have to reproduce someday right?), girly hair, and make up? It just doesn't register with me. I'm watching a music video and I think to myself "Hey, this lead singer chick is kinda cute" only to realize, its a dude. Thats just not right. Death to emo. Seriously. I'd rather have the boy-band craze resurrected.
Moving on, the music. Maybe I'm being a bit harsh here, but it's all just the same. Thats it. It's like they have a factory somewhere that just mass produces these generic celebrities and artistes. The material and the attitudes are all recycled. Every time I listen to a track I can't help but spot samples taken from songs of the 90's, 80's and 70's. The subject matter of the songs also seems pointless and shallow to me. The choices available to the artiste of today are:
- Parties
- Drugs and Violence
- Sex (with a great deal of misogyny)
- Random pseudo-philosophical crap (which is cool by me)
And again, the mellow (think brit-rock, brit-pop) and emo stuff just irritates me. We were all annoyed by that person, who just walks in the room and goes "Whats that noise? Honestly the music these days.....". I really don't want to be that person, so to all the bands and performers out there, please get your act together and pump out some good music.
The movies of today are also running low on originality. They suffer the same disease. There are way too many re-hashes, remakes, prequels and sequels these days. Special effects and insane action sequences are all good but I'd rather just have a good script. You know, the kind that leaves everyone talking and immersed in debate as they leave the theater. Though not every movie has to be a life changer so its all good. Sometimes a guy just needs to watch a movie with a lot of flash and a huge body count.
The kids these days are also a strange breed. I don't think I need to say much here as Sara Q. already touched on this. I will say this, seeing the things kids today do I can't help but say "Don't these guys have parents?" (Translation: "Oh ****, inn kay maa baap nahi hain?).
This post was supposed to be a bit longer but give me a break, I'm in recovery. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to run around like Simba on all fours. Yay.
P.S. Who can guess which character from which movie uses the line that I have used as my title?
Friday, March 5, 2010
The 50 Most Stylish Leading Men of the Past Half Century
The 50 Most Stylish Leading Men of the Past Half Century Style: GQ.com