Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Come clarity

The international baggage claim area, photogra...Image via Wikipedia

It is those from the nation of the unbelievers that ask God for signs. God, I'm not saying I want a sign, but a little clarity would help. These days I spend a lot of time being troubled by my own mind. Given the profession, time to reflect on what has happened, what is happening and what remains to be seen is very short, if there at all. But, God provides and a little time for reflection was at hand. Introspection, how I love thee.

My uncle was to arrive from Lahore to catch another flight to take him to Kabul. In between, there was plenty of time to meet up and have a little fun. Little did we know that PIA had plans of its own. The flight got delayed three times. We found ourselves at the airport at 1:00 in the morning. At this point going home was useless so I managed to convince my parents that they nap in the car and I'll stand guard, ready to wake them at the appropriate hour. You see, my uncle didn't know we were going to meet him and we had to catch him before he checked into international departures.

So, here I was. In the front seat of a Toyota Corolla, in the Islamabad International Airport parking area (I refuse to call it Benazir Bhutto International Airport), my parents asleep, and me staring out the windscreen. That cursed big blue sign bearing the incorrect name of the airport staring back at me. It was while I was playing tug of war with my eye lids that I realized, I was having fun. Just sitting there, watching people go by, almost as if I was invisible. They were all there, the concerned grandmother, the excited child, that guy who has literally the whole family there to see him off and completing the line up were the villagers who were confused with the whole airport experience.

What did I do with this time? What did I think of? Nothing at all. The only thing running through my mind was the calming track "From The Heart" by X-Ray dog (link). For a time, after a very long time, I felt content. I just needed the time alone. However, slowly, stray flashes converged to form thoughts in my mind. It was all that I had been through for the past two years. I find it strange that through it all I only remember the good things, never the bad. They are after all important. I only remember the important things. Always the important things. For once in two years I wasn't thinking about the future, I wasn't worrying myself to death. It was all just about where I was and who was here with me. Only the important ones. You know who you are.

Finally, my uncle arrived and we changed the venue from from the airport parking lot to the Front Page Cafe at the Rawalpindi PC. It was the only thing close enough at the time (@Sara: Exam Hall! :P). There we were, talking over sandwiches and coffee at 4:00 in the morning. What do you eat at time like that? Muhammad Asad writes of an Arabic saying about coffee in his book "The Road To Mecca" (Highly recommended read). The saying goes "Good coffee is bitter like death, and hot like love". Now I can't say much about the death part, but if love is anywhere as hot as this coffee, sign me up. It was that good, but at 4:00 AM, I guess everything is. There I sat, staring out the glass panelling of the hotel lobby, watching the deep ink blue of the night sky give way to the light azure of the morning. The first sunrise I had seen in a long time. The caffeine worked its magic and finally I made the transition from nocturnal to insomniac. This time, it was "Love Washes Over (Airwave remix) by Art Of Trance (link) that echoed in the cavern that is my skull. I imagine if I ever got high, this is what it would feel like (@Sara: calm down, I'm not going to get high. Ever.)

Now, I was thinking of everything. Clarity. I thought of the future. This time no worrying. It could just be the lack of sleep, but I seemed to have that optimism that I lost long ago. This optimism however had lost its taint of naivety. I thought of the reality I had seen in the past two years and how I had dealt with it. What I had to do, what lay ahead was clear. This time there was no confusion. There was nothing to be confused about. It's all up to me what I choose to do ahead. I even thought of the blog and the forum attached to it. As far as the blog goes, I know that the reason I make random posts is because that is the zone where I feel comfortable. I prefer to deal with the abstract, Sara does a better job at the concrete. I'm the dreamer, she's the thinker. I'm the idealist, she's the realist. I'm allegro, and she is vivace. Posts about nothing, yet kind of about something are my niche. I know that now.

As me and my mother stepped outside to give the brothers some time to talk, my thoughts switched to the forum. The pale light of dawn greeted us accompanied by the cold morning air. I was still playing in the recesses of my own mind as my mother and I talked. To someone else I may have appeared distant and uninterested, but my mother knew what I was up to, how could she not, and she knew not to disturb me when I'm like that. So, we walked, keeping the conversation going, me intermittently counting off the gun shots I heard in the distance and my mind thinking of the forum. I wanted to make a community, but I was wrong to think that it would just grow itself. It's going to take effort on my part. Anam, Sidra, Abbas and Osama, thanks for taking the time to comment on the forum. Omair, thank you for taking the time to actually read the entire blog and comment as well. I promise you I'll be participating actively in the forum myself from now on.

The whole experience ended with an emotional brotherly hug in front of the international departure lounge of the Islamabad International Airport (NOT the Benazir Bhutto International Airport) and with me writing this post at 7:00 in the morning. At this point I don't know if this was all a dream or not, but I guess I'll find out when I see the blog after I wake up.

Talha A. B.

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  1. Clarity.....that is exactly what we all want in our lives. Not everyone is as lucky as you. People spend their whole lives wandering what their purpose is.

    Reading this post, I remembered the time I returned to Pakistan from my studies abroad and the announcement was made that the plane would be landing shortly at 'Benazir Bhutto International Airport'. I thought PIA had made a mistake....little did I know that along with other things...the airport was renamed.

    Strange things can happen in the early hours of morning...and by that I mean really strange...getting clarity is certainly one of them.

    Well, after reading this post, I felt the urge to comment. Best of luck to all those seeking clarity.....mejor de las suertes!

  2. Thanks for the good wishes and for liking the post. Yes, strange things do happen in those early hours of morning. I have many a strange tale starting at that time of day. It means a lot that this post struck a note with you, seeing as how you and me have had almost the same experience over the past two years. Good luck, and see you at tennis :P

  3. Very well written and very impressive indeed....

    The time that you had spent in the car watching the other people and being intent and satisfied happens rarely.... but when it happens you feel like it should never end....Happens with me sometimes on long journeys.... I feel so relaxed and so satisfied that i want that bus, car or walk never to end.... I want the road or the path to become endless....

    and you know having to spend time with your mother, one of the greatest things on earth.... They know each and every part of you so well.......

    nice post overall... It really left me speechless for sometime man...

    Keep up the good work...

  4. Thanks Omair, I was wondering when your comment would make its appearance :)

    I know exactly what you mean though. I've had quite a few revelations on the old Daewoo bus. My most recent one was on a trip from Lahore to Islamabad on New Years. You know the one I'm talking about. I have a song for that too, Home by Foo Fighters.

    And wow, speechless. What do I say to that? I'm speechless myself. I'm glad you found it that good. I had to do something to make up for the previous post :P

  5. Ok when i saw "clarity" the first thought came to mind was "diamonds". Clarity is one of the four C's when choosing a diamond. There's cut, colour and I've forgotten the last one. The mother will be very UNproud. Oh well.

    The Airport, any airport has those bittersweet symphonies attached to it. (@ talha: remember the flight from "heaven" :P). If you observe like Talha was you see this constant ramble of people, all concerned with their own selves, yet unaware of what they seem to someone watching closely. I guess sometimes we try to find answers while being part of a crowd or being alone. Its ironic how the solution is somewhere in the middle. There is still a crowd but you're not part of it, yet you are a silent invisible observer totally keeping tabs on that crowd.

    And maybe its not always about finding purpose or clarity. Sometimes we wander just to reflect or in simple terms "hang out" with our own selves. I had this habit of staring at this tree in our neighbour's garden. It was a HUGE mango tree. Im sure its always been there. I used to sit at the window sometimes and just stare at all those branches and when the season came all those juicy mangoes no one seemed to bother with. It was like some thinking excercise. For some minutes, my mind drifted from the concreteness surrounding the tree and my mind. Then a few weeks ago, when i finally got time to go stare at my tree i saw it wasn't there anymore. Before getting into emotional details i HAVE to say this; WHO in their right mind cuts down a mango tree! Seriously! Anyway, i thought wow, there goes my only introspective muse. I casually looked over to the other window, the one i ignored because all it showed was the annoying kids and myriads of laundry next door. It was then that I saw the Centaurus staring down at me. I never noticed thanks to the 9 to 5 how tall it was now. Weirdly I couldnt help staring at it; that green cloth thing flowing in the wind, the tiny people risking their lives up there and the fact that the structure blocked my sunlight in winters for about 10 minutes. The last bit made me angry, I'm a sun girl. But really, how ironic, the concrete became my 'object'. Anyway, the only reason I told this long story was to say, inspiration, peace of mind, clarity come in weird shapes and sizes. Yes, I wrote that essay just to justify this simple line. That's how I roll :P

    We all like to say or well think, or feel that "everyday is a challenge". Somehow I think everyday, challenge or no challenge is a chance for me to look even more awesome in my own eyes. that's important since its only when I accept that I'm awesome that others will do so too. Again, I don't know if this was required.

    We all have SOME purpose in life i'm sure, its like some lamp. Its there but you cant differentiate the light amongst others. So what happened to you was, you shut all extra lights so the light of purpose shone brightest. If thats not poetic I don't know what is. But sometimes, its not about purpose or finding out what you are supposed to do. Can't predict the future but can ruin the present by doing so. The important thing is working on the damn path that's supposedly going to get you there.

    P.S : The car heads out the airport today. I'm SO getting in. :D

    P.P.S : Umm, this is long. I do hope it gets read :P

  6. umm. how did u get that funky moderator star? :P

  7. Don't worry, I was waiting for you to comment so I could give you yours :)

  8. :)
    yup i remember which journey you are talking about ;)

    and yup this post made it up for the last one....

  9. Welll.... I agree with you in that inspiration, peace of mind and clarity come in different shapes and sizes. I wont call it weired..... Last night while i was studying in the candle light(yes candle light, 9-10pm there is no light), i found myself staring at the candle and my mind......

    and about blocking the light from outside to let yours shine brightly.... well may be you are right and may be you are not....

    The reply is becoming random... may be some other time a detailed reply....

  10. Well Sara, I read every word and liked it. You're right when you say that the most unlikely things soothe, rejuvenate and inspire us. Also, we used to have a mango tree as well :P

    There is truth also to what you said about being comfortable with your own self. Until you accept your own self, no one will accept you. And that means accepting your true self, not some fake version of you that you think people will love.

    Good luck at the airport, and call me if another flight from heaven decides to roll in. Seriously :P

  11. Hey sara, how did you get that funky moderator star? :D

  12. It fell from the sky!! (imagine ultra hillbilly accent :P)

  13. very interesting read! keep up the good work and ahhhhhhh i can completely relate to ur need for clarity! it is all i seem to be pursuing these days!

  14. I'm glad that you found it interesting, even more so because you could relate to it. Good luck on your quest for clarity. Life seems to be throwing a lot of fog in everyones path it seems. In the meanwhile, coffee helps. A lot. Remember, its gotta be bitter like death and hot like love. Every thing else is just chocolate :D
