Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Idealism vs. Realism

I came across an article in the “Reader’s Digest” under the same title. It was by some Japanese/ Chinese/Singaporean lady (can never really tell the difference). So I just borrowed the idea because it sort of hit home. My interpretation is simple and parallel to daily life. Help me out Talha A. B. if you think this needs technical additions.

Idealism v realism; impracticality and practicality; romanticism and pragmatism. Call it whatever you like. It is an ultimate battle between our dreams and the practicality of those dreams. Always has been actually. The question is, how many of us wanted to do something really bad but didn’t because it was unrealistic? Forgoing it for something more acceptable; anything that would promise a livelihood.

How many of us had the major goal of saving the world somehow, eliminating poverty, opening up charity schools, bringing down a corrupted government and starting some revolution. I, for one did and still do and I’m sure there are others like me. Somehow all of us have a secret desire of leaving a memory footprint on this world. I remember using these exact words back in school: “I want to do something so I’m remembered even after I die”. On the brink of deciding a career I realized that I can only help anyone if I have an education and later on a capability of making money so ‘lo and behold’ Accountancy got justified.

However, all that I’ve said up there is a basic form of idealism which is quite acceptable if not wholly achievable. What I’m about to talk about next is what my sister refers to as ‘lala land’. These are ideas that can hardly ever surface the realm of regular life; ideas that our well wishers advise us either to keep to ourselves or as hobbies rather than a pursuit that will ultimately bear no fruit. That is, IF we ever admit them to anyone.

During my brief working experience I had a colleague who actually admitted that after doing A’ levels he didn’t consider any career path only because he and his friends had some band and he actually believed that he’d survive this lifetime playing the guitar; no education required. Well the reality struck soon enough but somehow I couldn’t believe anyone in their right mind could think of surviving only and only on a guitar. Even professional singers have backup plans.

Wanting to become an artist, starting a band or a singing career, doing theatre, learning the martial arts, becoming a racecar driver (kudos to all the ‘fast and furious’ movies), flying a plane, going sky diving, traveling the world, designing clothes etc, trying your hand in entrepreneur shipping or business ventures or maybe at the end of the day fantasizing about a life in the countryside, or the mountains; away from the hum drum of the city and all the formalities that come along.

Come to think of it, you can be idealistic about your love life too. But let’s not go there as that could be a separate post in itself.

The million dollar question is why we set such desires in our hearts. Are we that dumb that we can’t tell the difference b/w the practical and the totally insane? Or maybe it’s because deep inside, every one of us wants to escape the norm sometimes, the monotony, and the typical and robotic exercises we perform just to get through the day. (Rememeber the Richard Gere flick “Shall we dance”? Corportate lawyer so sick of his comfort zone that he enters a dance contest!!)

Yes, this is not only about those romantically adventurous thoughts we have as kids when we don’t know any better; when the spirit is charged up and the body is able and active. This goes on everyday, even when reality is being shoved at our faces. A few of those faces might even be wrinkled. The world, as it is today is a place of extreme fluctuations. It means that ultimately we’ll either lose out on our desires or simply become unable to adjust to that change in environment.

As for me I’m taking it slow. I’m saving up money to save the world. I want to write a book some day and this blog is the first step; I always wanted to learn different languages and so I’m taking French classes. Next up is photography, the guitar, horse riding or karate. Deep inside it’s my dream to land a chop on some crook’s head and save the day. I think my mom’s right; action movies are ruining me :P.

I get these artistic and poetic epiphanies sometimes but I confess I’m no artist. But I do pencil sketches and they’re quite satisfactory. (Sketched Harry potter once). I try to get in with some community work too, just as a minute contribution to the well-being of the country. It’s a start right?

Some day I would love to travel the world and go sky diving or gliding.

In my opinion, if anyone feels so strongly about something they should give it a shot. It is better to fail at it than thinking you MIGHT have succeeded if you had been given a chance. At least you tried. And by finding out the fact that you totally stink might even help to get rid of the self-pitying and self-sacrificing feelings. Needless to say, a pursuit as a hobby is a good way to start.

Reality check here: its not always about practicality, it’s about talent as well. You can’t be a singer if you can’t sing or an actor when you’re making a fool of yourself on stage. THIS is why a chance should be given. To test the theory you need to BE the theory. You might realise that you didn’t have talent in the first place or the activity was not as worthwhile as you thought so. So yeah, give it a shot.

Having ideals is a good thing. There are handy reminders of what we, as humans can be capable of achieving. Without them there would be no revolutionists, explorers or inventors; nobody to transform society. Even if not achievable they can help us improve. At the end of the day, maybe that’s what they are all about.

Daring to dream but keeping it real,

Sara Q.

1 comment:

  1. An excellent post. It litterally portrays our lives.
    Good Job
